TrickBot Is Hand-Picking Private Banks for Targets — With Redirection Attacks in Tow!

IBM X-Force research follows organized cybercrime and continually monitors the criminals’ targets and modus operandi. In a recent analysis of TrickBot campaigns in the U.K., Australia and Germany, I found that the operators of the infamous Trojan have been adding new redirection attacks focused on a list of brands that I had never seen in the past.

Curious about this addition to the TrickBot prime target roster, I went on to examine each URL, only to find out that the operators have been doing a lot of homework. The current configuration files are replete with private banks, private wealth management firms, investment banking, and even a retirement insurance and annuity company. One of the new targets is among the oldest banks in the world, located in the U.K.

See the statistics and read the rest of this post here.
