3 Ways Hyper Dimensional Big Data Analytics Make Instrument Calibration Easier, Smarter and More Affordable

A webinar released last month by ISA (International Society of Automation) covered the need for constant calibration of instruments operating within industrial environments. A related article on the subject described the ‘drifting’ effect many instruments will go through, which is a normal tendency to drift away from preset operating values, especially under adverse conditions at the installation locale.

Drifting may not seem like a big issue since it doesn’t typically cause immediate failure/outage. However, over time it can harm the stability of instruments, shorten their lifespan and directly affect maintenance expenditures, asset costs, ROI, operating costs, safety, and ultimately the organization’s bottom line. However, as the article states, “…one would never know [about the drifting] unless the data was captured on a regular basis to verify trending.”

With environmental factors like extreme and caustic conditions affecting all instrumentation in the operational environment or plant, calibration is required throughout and on a regular basis. But just how scalable are these calibration sweeps, and how can industrial organizations make this routine process smarter, easier and more affordable?

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