Got an Extra $40,000 Lying Around? Carberp is Back on the Market!

Not two weeks after Citadel’s vendor and spokesperson got banned from the largest Russian-speaking cybercrime community, members from the Carberp Trojan team have resurfaced, scurrying to capture some of the underground limelight.
In a surprising move that came about earlier this week, team Carberp decided to offer their Trojan to cybercriminals for monthly usage fees ranging from $2,000 to $10,000 per month depending on the number of modules and plugins desired. Those wishing to purchase the Trojan can opt to invest a whopping $40,000 for a full kit, including the malware’s builder and an improved bootkit version. At no point in cybercrime history has any developer asked such price for a banking Trojan.
The Carberp Trojan, also known as Syscron, is semi-private malware that has been sold in the underground for over two years. First detected in June 2010, Carberp is crimeware that infects a PC with the purpose of stealing credentials for bank account takeovers and fraudulent wire transfers.
Research conducted on Carberp showed it was likely developed by a group of four malware writers and intermittently vended online in the Russian-speaking crime underground by a fifth person going by the handle “Carberp”. After the arrest of some of its gang members in Russia earlier this year, it became clear that much like Zeus, SpyEye and Citadel’s developers, Carberp’s  birth place is in Eastern Europe.

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